Projet scientifique
The understanding of both security and defence (which are intrinsically linked) underwent significant conceptual changes, particularly after the demise of the bipolar balance of power in 1989, which gave a new impetus to collective security and the role of international organizations in providing security. These processes of institutional transformation, owed to changes in the balance of power within the international system, have been complemented by recent changes at strategic and operational level (e.g. Brexit, hybridisation of security threats, unpredictability of crises and the transatlantic drift post-Trump). The new strategic and threats environment prompted a re-thinking of the EU security.
While substantial progress has been done at the political level, this topic has received surprisingly little scholarly attention. This research group will cover a series of dimensions related to processes of institutional change and transformation of security and defence institutions, but will not be limited to:
- EU Global Security Strategy
- EU-NATO relations
- PESCO, EU Battlegroups, European Intervention Initiative
- European Defence Fund, CARD
- Civil-military relations
- Hybrid threats
- Military Technology
- Regional bi- and mini-lateral defence cooperation mechanisms.
This research group is guided by two axis of research: conceptualising the processes of EU security and defence transformation, and assessing the prospects and challenges of the new developments.
The first axis focuses on generating theoretical propositions with regards to key notions and concepts related to the new EU security landscape as well as the actors and dynamics related to them. What models can better explain these changes?
The second axis aims at assessing the challenges and opportunities associated with the new collaborative defence models, assuming that states are rational actors and they make strategic choices. Based on the results of this research, predictions can be made with regards to the future of EU security and defence. The findings of this research will advance the scientific debate in the field of institutional change and transformation of EU security and defence. At policy level, they will also inform decision-makers with regards to policy options to advance an efficient and sustainable EU security and defence policy.
Responsables du groupe de travail
Delphine Deschaux-Dutard is Assistant Professor at the Centre d’Etudes sur la Sécurité Internationale et les Coopérations Européennes (CESICE), Université Grenoble Alpes. Her main research ares are European and transatlantic security (EU, NATO), military cooperation in Europe, cybersecurity and cyberdefense of the European Union, Comparative defense policies in Europe.
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Cornelia Baciu is a Researcher at the Department of Political Science and Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen. She specialised in international security organizations and conflict research, and in meta-science. Cornelia Baciu is Deputy Convener of the BISA Foreign Policy Working Group and founding Director of the Research Network ‘European Security and Strategy’.
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